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Wintringham Pre-School

Wintringham Pre-school Letters - Summer Term 2022


World Book Day 2023 - Thursday 2nd March 2023

The children have had a fantastic day to celebrate World Book Day. First, some of the children joined together to hear the story, 'The Day the Crayons Quit.' After reading the story, the children realised the crayons had been stolen and the children were tasked with a finding clues to the culprit. The children moved around the school and worked together to identify the different clues. After lunch, the police came and asked the children about their investigation. They then saw the culprit, 'The Highway Rat,' and went and arrested him. The children were very excited about this! After, the children read with different children from other year groups. Thank you for all your efforts with the children's costumes. They all looked fantastic.

The Train Ride - Week Beginning 23rd and 30th January

The Train Ride - Week Beginning 23rd and 30th January 2023

The children have had a fantastic couple of weeks looking at, 'The Train Ride,' linked to their learning theme of transport. The children have thought about what they might see out of a train window and represented this as a drawing. They have role played in the train station as well as creating their own train to go on a journey. The children have also enjoyed playing with the small world train track.

The children have really enjoyed their maths the last couple of weeks. They have completed a range of mathematical activities including rolling a dice and building towers, looking at different amounts and creating AB patterns.

Well done Pre-school! I hope you have a fantastic weekend.

Week beginning 2nd and 9th January - Journeys and Transport

Week beginning 2nd and 9th January 2023 - Journeys and Transport


The Pre-school children have settled back into the new term well and we have been very lucky to have some new children join us also. The children have started learning about the theme, 'journeys and transport.' The first key text that the children have used this term is, 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt.' 


In group time, the children have been focussing on re telling the story, joining in with the repeated refrains and thinking about how the family feel at different points on their journey. In continuous provision the children have been exploring sensory experiences linked to the scenes from the story, building their own bear caves, painting their own bear pictures and exploring their emotions.


The children who are starting school in September have started phase one phonics lessons, starting with looking at environmental sounds. The children have been learning the rules for listening and thinking about the different sounds they can hear in their environment.

The Three Little Pigs and The Ugly Duckling

The Three Little Pigs and The Ugly Duckling - WB 21/11 and 28/11/2022

The children have been continuing with their topic, 'traditional tales,' through the key texts, 'The Three Little Pigs,' and, 'The Ugly Duckling.' The children enjoyed building houses made from different materials. They then tested the strength of their houses by blowing them. The children were very proud when their houses stayed up. The children also enjoyed using play dough, creating houses and the characters from the story. During, 'The Ugly Duckling,' the children have been counting ducks in a pond and ordering the numbers to correspond to the number of ducks. The children also collected materials on the field in an outdoor learning session to create their very own nests. The children are becoming more confident at re-telling stories and answering questions linked to known stories. This is having a positive impact on the children's communication. Well done Pre-school!

Week beginning 8.11.22

The children have started to look at the topic of 'fairy tales,' using the key text 'Little Red Riding Hood.' The children have been creating masks representing the characters, acting out the story, role playing in Grandma's house and exploring facial features more closely. The children have also had a chance to prepare and make brussels sprout soup which features in the version of the story the children are reading. The children have also been focussing on rules as Little Red Riding Hood has to follow rules in the story. Next week, the children are moving on to The Three Little Pigs. Today, the children watched a clip about Remembrance day and then participted in the two minutes silence. 

October 2022

The children have been continuing to learn about 'Our Body.' The children have been exploring the text, 'Hospital Dog,' which they have really enjoyed. The children also explored the festival of Diwali and learnt about how it was celebrated. They made Rangoli patterns through a range of different medias. The children have also been exploring the season of Autumn and looking at the different objects that you might find during this season.

September 2022

The children have been busy exploring their topic, 'Our Body.' Here are a few photos of what they have been up to.

Week beginning 20.06.22

Pre-school have had a lovely couple of weeks, continuing to focus on weather. The children have been looking at a story called, 'Tap Tap Boom Boom.' They have really engaged with this story and have explore rain, thunder and rainbows. The children have played instruments to represent the rain and thunder.

In phonics, the children have been focussing on oral segmenting and blending. They have been listening to words such as c-a-t and recognising this is cat.

Quick reminder, parents evening is Tuesday next week or, if you were allocated a specific time, Monday and Wednesday. If you were not able to come last Tuesday, then please come along this Tuesday.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and I look forward to seeing you all next week.

Week Beginning 6.6.22

What a fantastic first week back the children have had! They have been busy exploring their new topic, weather. The children have been role playing in the weather station, exploring different textures linked to different weathers and cloud spotting.

You should have received your parents evening letter this week or it will be coming out next week. This will be an informal session where you can come and have a play with your child in Pre-school and you will have an opportunity to speak to your child's keyworker. This will be straight after Pre-school, unless you have been given a designated time.

Please can you ensure that all children have a sun hat and named water bottle with them as the weather is improving. We appreciate your cooperation with this.

Finally, if you have an spare clothes that have been borrowed from Pre-school, please could these be returned? Also, if your child has grown out of any clothes, we would appreciate any donations to replenish our spare clothes stock.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week.

Week beginning 16.5.22

Pre-school have had a busy couple of weeks, focussing on farm animals. They have been exploring the stories, 'Rosie's Walk' and 'The Little Red Hen.' Activities have included, marking making in flour, making bread, weighing flour, small world farm activities, counting different numbers of animals and exploring dough with different textures in it. Outside, the children have been busy planting tomatoes, courgettes and peppers and they are hoping for a good crop.

Please can you make sure that all children have a sun hat in school and also a coat. The weather is a bit unpredictable at the moment.

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week!

Week Beginning 2.5.22

Pre-School have had a busy couple of weeks looking at farm animals. The children have been exploring the book, 'Rosie's Walk.' They have been creating their own story maps, role playing on the farm, creating their own farm pictures and exploring play dough with different textures in it such as straw. As the weather has improved, the children have been enjoying exploring the garden, especially playing with the water.

A reminder for those parents with children starting school in September. The phonics workshop is being held on Monday at 9.30am and then repeated at 4.30pm. If you have not handed your letter in and would still like to attend, please comment on this post with the session you'd like, email your preference or return your letter on Monday.

As the weather is now improving, please can all children have a named sun hat, in pre-school, every day?

Monday 9th May to Wednesday 11th May, the book fair will be open, from 3pm, around the back of the school. Pre-School staff will be able to direct you and you will be able to walk through the Reception gate to access this. If you are thinking of attending, we are encouraging online payments where possible.

I hope you all have a lovely and restful weekend.

Week beginning 18.4.22

Week beginning 18.4.22

Welcome back to Summer Term. I can't quite believe we are already in the last term of the year already. I hope you all had a lovely break and are rested and ready for an extremely busy term. Here are a few photos of the children from the first week back. The children have started their topic of farm animals, focussing on the book, 'Farmer Duck.'

If you would like to read this book with your child at home but don't have a copy, here is a you tube link to someone reading the story.


We are looking forward to welcoming new children at the start of the summer term over the week.


I hope you've all had a lovely weekend.

Week Beginning 14.3.22

What a fantastic week we had in Pre-School last week! The children were continuing their topic about new life using the book, Daisy and the Egg. The children were very confident talking about the life cycle of the duck and they even learnt Old MacDonald in Makaton. As it was Science Week, on Wednesday afternoon, the Pre-School children joined with Reception to carry out experiments. The children explored colour mixing, magnetic objects, shadows and even friction on car ramps. They had a brilliant afternoon and were incredibly engaged with the activities. The children who are going to school in September also joined in with Reception to do their outdoor learning whilst the other children also explored the field area. This was very exciting for them!

Week Beginning 28.02.22

What a busy week it has been in pre-school! We've had Pancake Day, World Book Day and we've also started planting ready for the warmer weather. The children have also really enjoyed playing in the garden centre! The children went into assembly on World Book Day and they say beautifully. Mrs Bates was very impressed with how they behaved so well done pre-school!

Week Beginning 7.2.22

Pre-School have had another busy week. They have spent their last week exploring space. I hope that you all have a lovely half term and a well deserved break. I look forward to seeing the children back on Tuesday 22nd February. Our new topic after half term will be, 'New Life,' so will involve lots of planting and exploring animals that might be emerging!

Week Beginning 31.1.22

What an extremely busy week the children have had in pre-school. They have been continuing their topic of space, creating planet cookies and fruit skewer rockets. They have also been exploring the Lunar New Year and we were very lucky to have Mrs Molyneaux come to do an afternoon of fun activities to learn all about it. The children loved being with the rest of the school and demonstrated what little superstars they are! Mrs Bryden commented on how well they were getting on. Well done Pre-School!

Week Beginning 24.01.22

Here are some photos of the children enjoying the space themed activities that have been on offer the past couple of weeks. The children have really enjoyed the book, 'How to Catch a Star,' and have loved all the activities themed around it.

Week beginning 10.01.22

A few photos from last week. The children started their journey through Space! The role play rocket was a firm favourite!

Week Beginning 3.1.22

Happy New Year. I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and are all refreshed and ready for another busy term. Here are some photos of the children from last week. They all settled back in brilliantly and are very excited that there are new friends that have come to join us.

Week Beginning 29.11.21

Some magic happened on Wednesday this week... the children were amazed by the transformation of the school. Thank you to everyone that made a decoration for the competition. They are hung on the whole school tree and it looks fabulous.


The children have also been busy learning their Christmas songs and their confidence singing these is growing day by day. I am sure you can't wait to see the finished performance. I know I can't!

Week Beginning 22.11.21

The children have had another wonderful week in pre-school focussing on real life superheroes. We have got lots of aspiring teachers, scientists and emergency service workers now which is exciting! Here are just a few pictures from the week!

Week Beginning 15.11.21

The children have had lots of fun this week doing activities linked to superheroes. Today, the children took part in a whole school Joe Wick's workout and as you will see from the pictures, they absolutely loved it. Thank you to all the children for designing their Pudsey bandanas and creating their own super hero teddies. They all looked fantastic.

Week Beginning 01/11/21

Last week the children had lots of fun in Pre-School. Some of the highlights include working with the rest of the school to explore Diwali and creating clay leaves during outside learning.

Week Beginning 18.10.21

What a fantastic first half term the children have had! They have all settled in amazingly and appear to love coming everyday. We certainly have loved them being here! This week, the children have been interested in Halloween festivities and have been adding to their beautiful display they've created. They have been busy collaging pumpkins and making spiders. The children even got to dissect a real pumpkin and explore it using ALL their senses! We hope you have a lovely half term and we look forward to seeing you back on Tuesday 2nd November.

Week Beginning 11.10.21

What a wonderful week we have had in Pre-School. The children have been busy with their indoor and outdoor learning. The rain certainly wasn't going to stop us on Tuesday afternoon! Today was very exciting as we erupted a volcano!


For national handwashing day, the children have been painting their hands with glitter and paint, taking a hand print, washing them and then doing another hand print. The children were very good at washing their hands as they did not have much glitter left on them!

Week Beginning 4/10/21

Another fantastic week in Pre-School. This week has been National Space Week so the children have been involved in lots of space themed activities. They have made aliens using playdough, created their own alien masks and role played in a real rocket!

The children have also enjoyed music and movement sessions where they have been exploring different musical instruments. They were having a go at making quiet and loud sounds.

Outside, the children have enjoyed exploring the water wheels, role playing in the mud kitchen and mixing powder paint with water. The children also enjoyed going on a Bear Hunt with Reception and at the end we made a big bear cave! The children thoroughly enjoyed this and were really engaged.


Week beginning 27.09.21

The children have had another fun filled week at pre-school. They have been enjoying exploring Autumn and have created Autumn trees using cotton buds and created patterns using autumn resources in the garden. The children have also been busy making obstacle courses in the garden, which they have really enjoyed! We hope you all have a lovely weekend and can't wait to see you back next week.

Some Photographs from our first week in Pre-school. The children settled in really well.


Wintringham Pre-School


We are delighted to announce that we opened our Pre-School and Nursery in our new purpose built school in September 2021. 

We are open from 9.00am to 3.00pm Mondays to Fridays, term time only.  We will aim to accommodate the hours that you require, subject to availability.

Wintringham Pre-School will offer you and your child:

  • A warm friendly welcome
  • A dedicated Key Worker
  • We will work together with parents
  • A rich learning environment, tailored to meet your child’s needs
  • A personalised settling in period
  • Funded educational sessions for 2, 3 and 4 year olds



A few photographs of our Pre-School during it's set up. We welcomed our first children in September 2021
