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The Diamond Learning Partnership Trust is the Admission Authority for all the schools in the Trust. This means that it is the Governing Body that sets and applies the Admissions Policy for every school. All Policy decisions regarding the admission of children into the School are made by the Board of Trustees.


Mid-Year Applications (i.e. All Applications other than admission to Reception)

To apply for a place after the start of term or in any other year group, please contact the school or Trust Admissions.  Email:


How to Apply for Admission to Reception (September of next Academic Year)

The application process for admissions into Reception is coordinated by Cambridgeshire Local Authority (LA), which acts on behalf of the governing body to offer places at the School. Parents should apply online via the citizen’s portal or via

no later than the national closing date on 15th January 2025.


If you do not have access to the internet please contact Cambridgeshire Admissions Team contact: 0345 045 1370 for a paper copy.

Offer letters will be issued by the LA on the National Offer Date (16th April 2025 or first working day after).


Late applications (those submitted after the national closing date) will be handled by the Cambridgeshire Admissions Team.


If your child has been unsuccessful in securing a placement at their preference school, you are entitled to the right to appeal which is contained within the offer letter. Information about how to make an appeal for a reception place can be found at the following link on the Local Authority website :  School admission appeals - Cambridgeshire County Council


Cambridgeshire Admissions Team contact: 0345 045 1370


Tours for Prospective Reception 2025 Intake families


We are pleased to say that we can now offer tours to parents who are interested in their children joining our Reception classes in September 2025.  These tours will take place on the following dates, and will be led by one of our Senior Leadership Team.  If you would like to join a tour, please contact the school office on 01480 595885 to book a place. Please note that we are unable to accommodate children at these events as they take place whilst our current children are in class.  There will be opportunities in the future for children joining us in September 2025 to visit the school prior to them starting with us.


21st October at 1.30pm

24th October at 1.30pm

7th November at 1.30pm

11th November at 9.30am


We look forward to seeing you !

Additional Guidance - Proof of Address & Date of Birth

In Year Admission Form (from October 2023)

Admission Form for Ukrainian Children
