Wintringham Primary Academy
Curriculum Statement
Wintringham Primary Academy is a school where every child achieves the highest possible standards, through a relentless focus on high quality teaching and learning.
We pride ourselves on our rounded and broad education that lays the building blocks for a child’s future. Wintringham Primary Academy seeks to establish good learning practices to secure a love of learning, to equip our pupils to understand the world and find their place within it.
We aim to provide a holistic education that doesn’t just impart knowledge but skills for life too. In pursuit of both knowledge and skills we aim to add value to each individual child’s starting point and to promote equality, in all its forms, so that every child has access to the time and resources needed for them to reach their potential.
The sequence of our curriculum is carefully considered so that skills and knowledge are built on year on year. It reflects the content and challenge of the curriculum. Key knowledge and skills are identified for each unit and form the basis of what is taught. Concepts are identified in relevant subjects and the understanding of these is deepened as they are revisited throughout the child’s time at school.
We follow The Early Years Curriculum Framework and The National Curriculum. National Curriculum subjects are taught on a two-year cycle in Years 1,2,3 and 4.
The curriculum is taught with the consideration of the needs of all learners. Individual, group and whole class teaching will be in evidence throughout the school. The features common to all approaches will be retrieval of previous learning, making links with what has been learned previously, work that will stretch but not frustrate, modelling and scaffolding of learning, structured in small steps, with opportunity for independent practice.
Knowledge organisers are used in school and at home to consolidate key knowledge and learning for most curriculum subjects.
Wintringham Primary Academy also recognises the importance of reading in all subjects and our curriculum reflects this. Key texts are carefully selected for English but also for other curriculum subjects.
Our curriculum approach is knowledge engaged and all children receive a broad, balanced curriculum where they develop both knowledge and skills. Children learn best from experience and our curriculum is carefully planned to provide opportunities for investigation, problem solving and visits to places of educational merit. Children in Year 1 and 2 are taught foundation subjects both in the classroom and in our ICE (Intensive Curriculum Experience) Zones. This allows children opportunity to consolidate their learning in different subjects and provides opportunities for independent learning. Wintringham Primary Academy also embraces a strong outdoor curriculum that reinforces our holistic approach to learning.
We carefully balance the need for children to reach national expectations in core subjects with our wider curriculum aims. Alongside offering our children a carefully mapped progression of knowledge and skills within all curriculum areas, we try to enable the children to practice and incorporate these skills across all subjects; giving them the opportunity to express their learning in a variety of ways.
The impact is monitored by Senior Leaders and subject leaders through ensuring the teaching quality by triangulating the evidence from regular through learning walks, 10-minute snaps, scrutiny of pupils’ work, progress data, planning, pupil and parent voice.
The planning of inspiring and engaging learning promotes enjoyment of the curriculum, which in turn positively impacts on achievement of children, confidence and attitudes to learning.
Teachers know their pupils well as individuals with provision for their needs; to ensure, pupils approach their work with good levels of confidence and self-esteem, incorporating an ethos of inclusion.
Children access more opportunities that they may not get at home, as well as ensuring that they are ready for the next stage of education and life.
Curriculum Overviews