School staff look after the children at lunchtime and the Executive Headteacher and Senior Leadership team monitors overall supervision.
Children may have a hot school meal or a packed lunch at school. Meals are prepared by employees of Aspens. Menus are planned centrally and meet the Government’s food-based and nutrient-based standards for school lunches. Children are offered a choice of main course and dessert. A rota system ensures that all children have an opportunity to come into lunch first. All dietary requirements can be catered for.
Payment for meals may be made by Arbor, our online payment system or by cheque weekly, half-termly or termly and we would appreciate it if meals were paid for promptly, in advance.
A fruit or vegetable snack may be brought to school for eating at morning playtime; sweets, crisps or biscuits are not permitted.
Packed Lunches
If you provide a packed lunch for your child, we would ask you to ensure that it contains no nuts or products that may contain nuts such as peanut butter, Nutella, many biscuits etc. and that it is as healthy and balanced as possible. Please see the leaflet below for guidance on providing a healthy packed lunch.