2022 - 2023
Our Class Teacher is Mr Hall.
Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Donald.
Our PE day is on a Friday. Please can earrings be removed on this day.
Our Forest Schools day is Wednesday. Please can you ensure the children have clothing for outdoors.
A Guide to Accelerated Reader:
Please click the link: A Parent's Guide to Accelerated Reader (AR)
Writing suggestion homework:
Friday 18th November
English & Maths
In English, the children have had a strong grammar focus, learning how to punctuate speech correctly and use relative clauses in their writing. As well as this, they have written a formal invitation, inviting a friend to a lavish birthday party, where they got to chose their own entertainment.
In Maths, the children have been learning about the formal (column)methods of addition and subtraction and applying them to problems. We have also looked at multiplication and division in real life, helping the children to understand how often we use these skills. We will be moving on to our multiplication and division methods in the coming weeks.
Science & Foundation Subjects
In Science, the children have completed their topic on ‘Life Cycles’. Now, they are starting the fantastic ‘Earth and Space’ unit. This week, they learnt about the make up of the universe, including the galaxies, planets, moons and other celestial bodies.
As well as this, we have been learning about ‘Globalisation’ in geography. The children have been learning about how the world has become a smaller place due to technological advances.
In Art and Design, the children teamed up to produce a wonderful zentangle pattern for display. They used ink, polystyrene tiles and rollers to create their masterpiece.
For Remembrance Day, Zephaniah helped make artwork and poetry for display.
4th November 2022
English & Maths
In English, the children have continued to read 'The Nowhere Emporium' and have been focusing on writing diary entries. There has been a strong focus on sentence structure and showing the feeling of the character. This week, we have been working on relative clauses, which are techniques for creating coherent sentences.
In Maths, the children have been looking at the number 1000 and how it can be split into equal parts. This has been linked beautifully with measuring the weight of objects, by reading scales. This week, we have begun our journey of learning the formal written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Science & Foundation Subjects
In Science, the children have completed their topic, Living Things, and have learnt about the two different plant cycles, sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. Next week, our topic is Earth & Space.
Before half term, we had a fantastic day celebrating Diwali. The children moulded diwa lamps out of clay, created firework art using pastels, made traditional food and constructed lanterns. Overall, it was a wonderful day.
In art, the children have been learning about Claude Monet’s impressionism art work, copying his techniques.
During Diwali Day, the children had the opportunity to use sparklers.
14th October 2022
English and Maths
In English, the children have continued to read ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ and have been focusing on writing descriptively, using effective adjectives and prepositional phrases to show the precise position of an object. The children began by writing fantastic descriptions of a magical picture in the book and followed this up by describing their own made up room, called The Impossible.
In Maths, the children have continued looking at place value, with a focus on complements to 100. They identified the patterns of these numbers and made generalisations, which they had to prove or disprove. Using this knowledge, they have shown resilience, tackling problems based on their learning. It has been great to see them working together to achieve an end goal.
Science & Foundation Subjects
In Science, the children continued their topic, ‘Living Things’ and have learnt about the life cycles of mammals and are going to look at the life cycle of plants. In History, the children have started their topic on the Ancient Mayans, focusing on why they were a notable civilisation. In Art, the children are learning how to use their sketch books effectively, to help them to reflect, evaluate and improve their pieces. In French, we have learnt some key phonemes and have been listening to the sounds to identify them.
In art, we were using different media to create the first initial from our name.
30th September 2022
English and Maths
In English, the children have started to read, ‘The Nowhere Emporium’, which is written in a Harry Potter-esque style. We have read the first few chapters of the book, drawing inferences and predictions from what has happened so far. This week, the children have written a narrative, focusing on the structure of the writing.
In Maths, the children have finished learning about negative numbers in different contexts, such as sea level, lifts and temperature. They are now focusing on the make up of 100, remembering key facts, such as 20 x 5 = 100, 25 x 4 = 100, 50 x 2 = 100. This is essential for their learning to moving forwards in Maths.
Science & Foundation Subjects
In Science, the children have been learning about the life cycles of different types of animals. They have been comparing the cycles of insects and amphibians, noticing the similarities and differences. As well as this, we have been learning about Judaism in RE. They have been researching information about key festivals, such as Bar Mitzvah and Rosh Hashannah. In Computing, the children have been learning how to search effectively for reliable information, using search engines. They have learnt how to efficiently find out information for key questions.