'To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world' - Chinese proverb
'Those who know many languages live as many lives as the languages they know' - Czech proverb
'A new language is a new life' - Persian proverb
The National Curriculum Programme of Study for Modern Foreign Languages can be found by following this link:
How we study Modern Foreign Languages
At Wintringham, we follow the scheme of learning from 'Language Angels' to teach French to children in KS2. Language Angels is an award-winning, all-areas covering set of resources to help teach languages to primary school children. The scheme works by providing a wide range of teaching units to cover all of the curriculum requirements for Modern Foreign Languages. These units begin with 'Early Language', designed for children with no prior knowledge of French, moving on to 'Intermediate', suitable for Years 4 and 5, and finally ends with 'Progressive', designed for Year 6. Lessons include power-point presentations, games, songs, and differentiated activities to help the children learn a language (in our case, French) and develop life-long skills for language.
The key documents from the Language Angels scheme, and links to view these are below, are:
School Closure- Remote Learning Opportunities
Learn Beginner's British Sign Language
Visit the Language Angels website (https://www.languageangels.com/schools/index.php) and click 'Login' and then the 'Interactive Games' to access some great games to help you learn French! The username is roundhouse and the password is Fr3nch.
Website links: