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Total Clothing School Uniform Information Guide

We have a school uniform and the wearing of it is strongly encouraged. We believe it gives the children a feeling of self-confidence and pride in their school, as well as in their appearance.

The school colours are navy blue and grey.


School polo shirts, fleeces, sweatshirts, hats, book bags etc. are available from Total Clothing. A link  to access the school shop appears at the top of this page.  Goods can be delivered to your home or the school office for collection.


If you want to visit Total Clothing's showroom during the Summer holidays at 9 Boltolph Trading Estate, Oundle Road, Peterborough PE2 9QP they will be open from 20th July to 14th September.  Mondays to Fridays 9.00am to 5.30pm and Saturdays 10.00am to 4.00pm.


A summary of school uniform is detailed below.


  • Grey pinafore dress, skirt, trousers or shorts

  • Navy blue sweatshirt

  • Sky blue polo shirt

  • White or grey socks and if tights are worn, they should be navy blue or grey

  • Navy fleece (optional)

  • Black shoes with closed heels and toes

  • Summer dress is blue and white checked


    PE Kit

  • Navy or black shorts - these should be football style & not tight fitting cycling shorts
  • White T shirt - no football shirts
  • Trainers for outdoor P.E. (no high tops) – Summer term only in Reception
  • Navy or black tracksuit for outdoor P.E. – Summer term only in Reception.  No leggings.


