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'A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.'

Marcus Garvey


National Curriculum Programme of Study for History


History Curriculum Overview

How we teach History at Wintringham

The teaching of History focuses on developing the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding. IN KS1 children are taught History in class and also in the ICE (Intensive Curriculum Experience) Zones. In KS2, the children explore history predominantly through whole class teaching. We believe, therefore, that our school provides children with a broad range of learning opportunities throughout their primary education.  

We believe children learn best when: 

  • They are provided with opportunities to work independently or collaboratively 

  • They are encouraged to ask as well as answer historical questions. 

  • They have access to, and can handle, artefacts 

  • They visit museums and places of interest, when applicable  

  • They have access to secondary sources such as books and photographs 

  • Visitors talk about personal experiences of the past, when applicable 

  • They listen to and interact with stories from the past 

  • They are shown, or use independently, resources from the internet and videos 

  • They are able to use non-fiction books for research 

We recognise the fact that we have a wide range of children within our classes but our aspirations are that all children can succeed.  Therefore, we provide appropriate learning opportunities for all children by offering a variety of scaffolds to ensure all children can access the learning.


The role of the teacher should include: 

  • Providing children with both taught history lessons (teacher-led) and the opportunity to explore through more independently-driven activities.  

  • Encouraging pupils to engage in class discussions, where children are given the opportunity to ask and answer historical questions, including considering issues such as cause and consequence.  

  • ICE Zone history learning activities give pupils the opportunity to independently reflect on what was previously discussed as a class. The children enjoy the opportunity to carry out independent learning exploring the past and asking questions linking to specific topics which capture their interest. 

  • Setting clear expectations of work within all history lessons, both in classrooms and in the Ice Zones, recognising the importance of maintaining a standard of English usage which correlates with work done in explicit English lessons. 

  • Setting specific success criteria that focus on the required learning within each activity to help children both complete effectively and self assess their work. 


Teaching within EYFS 

History, although not taught explicitly within the Early Years classrooms, is evident in many of the different EYFS topics. Through a combination of exploratory play and class discussion, children start to develop their understanding of change over time in respect of their own lives. Teachers and teaching assistants will provide opportunities for exploratory role-play, opportunity for class discussions and will encourage conversations that require children to recall events from the past (whether this be in their own lives or within stories). More information about how history is taught within EYFS can be found below.  




The curriculum overview for History form the basis of planning for each unit. In Y1/2/3/4 a two year cycle is followed. In Y5 and Y6 specific units are taught in each year.


Children also have the opportunity to write at length at the end of each topic. Although the ‘essay’ is used to assess their knowledge and understanding of the relevant foundation subject, it provides them with additional opportunity to write for a purpose. 


Within the Early Years Foundation Stage, the EYFS Framework is used as a basis for all planning. History is taught through a focus on changes over time in respect of their own lives, for example how they have changed since they were baby and how they will continue to change and develop as they get older. Children are asked to bring in baby photos of themselves at the start of the year to support the discussion of how they have changed over time. They are encouraged to talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members (one of the early learning goals for the end of the year). This early learning goal is very much focused on the memories of the children and they are asked to talk about special events or customs/routines for their family. We focus on the concept of time and sequence of events so the children become aware of past and future events. 

School Closure- Remote Learning Opportunities


Below are a range of different links to a range of different learning opportunities to use during the school closures. Explore and enjoy!


Live streams:


EYFS: Dinosaurs and Animals:


What do we know about dinosaurs ?

How do we know about dinosaurs?

Rotton or rascal?

Dinosaur snap activity:

Dinosaur labelling activity:


Year 1 and 2: Seaside

Baranaby Bear goes to the Seaside: 

Seaside Entertainment – Magic Grandad 

Introduction to Grace Darling Video: 

Queen Victoria Video - 

The Beach – Magic Grandad 

Lucy and Tom at the Seaside story 

Activity to go with Lucy and Tom at the Seaside 

A day at the Seaside in the past - click on seaside holidays now and then 


Year 3 and 4: South America

The history of rainforests


Year 5 and 6: Ancient Greece  (The British Museum- Gods and Goddesses) in Ancient Greece game)


General History: - This includes:

  • Videos on local history topics including early people, woolly mammoths and St Neots priory aimed at KS2 Yr 3 /4 pupils 
  • Craft time lapse videos for families including Easter activities 
  • Talks by the curator on local history topics inc the St Neots Quads